Summit Series

We are excited to curate the Summit Series, a spinoff of the 2024 Juneteenth Business Expo + Summit. The series will feature interviews with impactful individuals we’ve connected with during the 2024 Juneteenth Business Expo + Summit.

Interview previews will be available on the HeavieTalk Media YouTube channel. Full interviews will premiere on HeavieTalk Media’s Patreon.


Nyemade Boiwu

Nyemade Boiwu aka That African Butterfly is an award-winning writer, speaker, and digital content strategist. She strives to use her talent for communication to raise awareness about various social issues, particularly those impacting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

She spoke with us about her journey since quitting her corporate job to become a full-time entrepreneur, how she prepared herself for full-time entrepreneurship, and what tips she has for aspiring entrepreneurs.

T.D. Flenaugh

T.D. Flenaugh is an author, podcaster, and educator with decades of experience working with elementary, middle, and high school students. She is driven by her mission to provide information to support parents and caregivers in getting the next generation on track for learning and staying on track for success.

T.D. spoke to us about her journey to becoming an educator, her passion for writing, and the benefits that writing may have personally and professionally.

Cassandra Hill

Cassandra Hill is a transformation agent, master life coach, best-selling author, and speaker. After overcoming systemic lupus with a regimen she developed, Cassandra birthed Holistic Living Consulting. Her mission is to transform the well-being of black women by renewing their mind, body, and soul utilizing an all-natural approach.

Cassandra spoke with us about what being a Transformation Agent means, the importance of self-love, the correct way to practice self-care, and how to create a self-care promise.

The Summit Series is a spinoff of the Summit. The Summit is presented in conjunction with the 2024 Juneteenth Business Expo.